Thursday, October 16, 2008

Living by Ideal Market is making us eat better

I'm lazy in the evenings and I don't like to cook but have been forced to in the past because we didn't live that close to a good grocery store. Now that we live within walking distance to Ideal Market, I let them do the cooking for me.

Last night we walked down and got a Quinoa Black Bean Salad. I've never had Quinoa before but had heard it was good for you...looked it up today and it has like 12-18% protein! Holy Moly...and it was delicious!

And Ideal is not as expensive as you'd think. We spent $32 on the black bean salad, a chicken quesadilla, a large tub of soup for tonight's meal and a loaf of sourdough bread. Pretty good to 2 nights worth of dinner!

I've also been buying organic bananas, apples and oranges and I've got to say they are better. The organic bananas don't go bad as fast as the non organic one's do and I think they just taste a whole lot better, come to think of it by the end of the week the non organic bananas are usually rotting and the organic one's I bought on Sunday are still perfect.



Carey said...

Ideal has always been one of my favorites though it has changed considerably since being owned by WF's but probably for the better. They have a much better salad bar now.
Quinoa is one of my favorite grains as I can eat it since it's gluten free, it has a nice nutty flavor and a lot of protien as you mentioned!

Unknown said...

maybe that's why you lost some weight - all that healthy food you've been eating!

jessica moon bernstein said...

you know what's really tasty banana ice cream. Take your bananas that are going to go bad soon and cut them up freeze them. Then put them in teh food processor, add blueberries of you want or chocolate syrup when it's done. It's so good and basically has no fat!

btw, how did you guys score that sweet location, craigslist?

Tracy said...

did you know jason used to bag groceries at ideal when he was in high school! isn't that funny! ;)

Kim said...

Cynthia, I think not riding to/from work everyday from Lafayette has helped me lose muscle bulk is going away (I bulk up really fast). I've lost around 10lbs now! I just pulled out my skinny jeans and there's baggey on me :) Fingers crossed I stay this way!

Jessica, we got super lucky and I still can't believe we're where we are!

Jason bagged groceries :0 now that's funny! I used to be a donut girl at Dunkin Donuts in high school....that's probably why I can't stand donuts now.