If you say you're going to come over and look at something and you can't make it CALL AND LET THE PERSON KNOW! Simple as that, no harm done....don't say you're going to be there first thing in the morning so we get up early and wait around for you. Thanks for the kindness and thanks for making us get up early and wait around for you :( Oh AND when we try to call you and you're phone goes straight to voicemail, that really sucks.
Bad karma for you! I hope you don't get what you want and you have a crappy day.
This rant is for Dan and the women who told him yesterday that she was going to come over from Colorado Springs to look at the Madone he's trying to sell. YOU SUCK HONEY!!!
Welcome to the wonderful world of dealing with the public. :-)
I feel your pain. I've had good and bad experiences with doing things on line but bottom line, without the internet to reach out to millions of people I don't think I would've bougtht or sold as successfully as I have these past 10-15 yrs.
Keep your fingers crossed, trust me eventually there's someone out there that will want what you have. :-)
I know, we're used to selling stuff online but it just sucks when people flake out like that. It's like 1 out of 3 people will end up flaking out on you
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