These were taken at around 7am this morning just as the cable guy was showing up. We had coffee on the front porch and watched all the joggers and dog walkers stroll by. It's so peaceful, no cars racing by blaring the bass and it's so dark at night with no street lights shining in our bedroom window.
I spend Friday boxing the majority of our stuff up and then met Dan at the new place to steam clean the carpets. The former tenant didn't leave the place very clean so getting the cat pee smell and old dog stench out of the carpets was the first'll take a little bit more work but I bought a bunch of Fabreeze and it already smells 100% better :)
Saturday we spent moving the big stuff and I'd say about 80% of the house over and we were able to set up the living room, kitchen and bedroom in the new place before passing out for the night.
Sunday we had to get up early for the cable guy so we sat around and drank coffee and just relaxed while he did his thing. After the cable guy left we headed back over to the old place so Dan could clear out the garage and start boxing up his basement work area and I could clean. We got a major amount of work done today and I'm so happy I got the place clean before next weekend. Next weekend the carpet cleaners are coming and while they're doing their thing we'll clean up the basement and move the remainder of Dan's workshop.
Tomorrow I'm going to clean the new place really really good and unpack some more. Maybe take the dog for a walk over at Mt. Sanitas...or maybe I'll stroll down to UBikes and meet Dan for lunch...cause I can do that now :)
Life just got better for us! Even though the place is old and needs some lovin' it's way better than living in Lafayette.
Awesome view, your new place sounds great and worth all the effort.
Did you buy a house?
We didn't buy, c'mon it's Boulder....we can't afford to buy in Boulder....we can barely afford to rent in Boulder but we got lucky :)
Did you rent a carpet cleaner for the day?
If so where did you get it? We have to do that this weekend?
We rented it from Home Depot and with the jug of cleaner the 24hr total came to $47. I thought that was pretty cheap....
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