Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I was woken up around 4am this morning by something I haven't heard in a loooooong time. I didn't know what is was at first then I saw the flash of light and heard the was a thunderstorm! Man I miss the crazy thunderstorms a humid August summer evening can produce in Michigan. Especially sitting at Dan's house on the lake, when the lightening illuminates the whole lake and you can see the rain hitting the water. That is until the power goes out and then you just have to sit and stew in your own sweat.

For some reason I love riding in the rain, not the torrential downpour rain that hurts your skin but the soft light rain. Usually no one else is riding into work on those days and all the green in the tree's really pops and the birds are signing looking for worms, such a pleasant spring morning!

When I got to work today, the women looked at me like I was crazy. They couldn't believe that I would ride in the rain, "doesn't you hair get wet?" they said, I said "yes", they just looked at me like I'm crazy again. It's hair people...and it has been known to dry pretty fast.


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