Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Coldest commute in - 6 degree's

Last year I think the coldest day that I commuted into work was 9 degree's, today it was 6. Funny that with all the gear just doesn't seem that cold, that is until I get into work and see myself in the mirrored glass of the front door, all frozen and frosty.

Sometimes I wonder what drives me to ride my bike to work? I haven't always done it, when I lived in Michigan just the thought of riding my bike on the roads scared me silly. I actually feel guilty when I have to drive in, I feel all those gallons of gas slipping away every time I put my foot on the pedal and I'm nervous about the next fill-up...where can I find the cheapest gas at? I get into a car now and I'm a little disorientated at first and I'm nervous about driving at night....weird how your perspective can change.

Props to all those other commuters out there! Even if I don't do the head nod every time I see've got my respect.


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