Dan: "Get off your bike now!"
Kim: "Okay, why?"
Dan: "Bear!!!!"
Kim: wide eyed, looking straight up the trail and all she see's is a black mass running into the woods.
Kim: "What do we do now?"
Dan: "We ride really fast and make lots of noise" Dan based this theory on watching Man vs. Wild and Bear Grylls saying to talk loudly when a bear is near...Bear always said "Yo Bear". So thank you Mr. Grylls for the good advice :)
So there we were riding Sourdough back from Brainard in the rain, just seen a bear and yelling and talking loudly down the trail, I think I started singing 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall at one point. I kept looking back imagining a big bear running down the trail towards us with it's hot breath pouring out it's nose.
Apparently, the bear (on all 4's was about 3 1/2" to 4" tall) was just walking down the trail right in front of Dan. Dan was ready to pick his bike up over his head and start yelling if the bear started coming towards us. I was just worried that we saw the cub and momma bear was soon to follow but no other bear ran out. On our way down the trail we did see lots of bear poop all over the trail, kinda like the bear was just walking along the trail. Yikes! Sorta an eventful day!
Unfortunately, I didn't get any pics of the bear but I seem to recall reaching for my camera when Dan told me a bear was in front of him but then I started to get scared.
It did rain and it did thunder but it never really rained that hard and we only got cold when we started our descent to the trailhead. But more importantly we didn't get mauled by a bear. We did see another couple riding up from the trailhead and warned them that we did see a bear and they should probably ride closer together and make their presence known by talking loudly....hopefully they won't be on the news tonight!
More pics here
yowza! and you guys seemed so calm yesterday when I saw you!
OMG - I've got to stop reading your blogs - You're making me VERY nervous - I'm glad you guys are safe. Great Story --- LOVE MOM
Don't worry mom, we're okay! That's why we don't ride alone in the mountains :)
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