Here are the 7 that rode up the connector trail (note Jen's riding her singlespeed!)
We had a little trouble before we even got to the connector trail
But between Tracy and Jen for her powerlink, Renee's chain was fixed in no time!
Here's the rest of the group
And now for some riding!
All smiles at the end
Once again, Liz get the best arms of the night award!
And Zena gets the best expression of the night award!
More pics are linked here
Nice post! I ended up taking yesterday off completely. My legs were just cooked! My hip flexors were especially sore from my roller blading before the ride - LOL!
Roller ghey :)
We've gotta get a video of you roller blading!
Kim, your ride photos are great! I love having a glimpse of the trails you get to ride. Forget Fruita! Maybe I just need to hang out in Boulder for a week!
Your girl rides look like they have more testosterone power than I can handle though. ;-)
One of these days....
-The Markenator
Everything out here is amazing Mark! Forget Fruita, next time you come to Colorado we'll show you around Grand Junction which is my new favorite place in the world!
Absolutely no testosterone is involved on the girls ride...just a bunch of girls having fun!
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