We did 3 runs in a row, the last of the 3 we hooked up with 2 girls she knew from the Specialized Dealer thing going on at Copper. It was totally awesome to be able to ride with girls that can actually ride :) We rode Cowboy Up to Motorhead to TNT to Paid in Full to Wild Thing (personally my favorite run) and went in for a little lunch. After that Tracy and I did Cowboy Up to Motorhead to High Speed Dirt to Jam Rock (where I proceeded to crash twice) to East Forest. After that I had to call it a day because the 2 crashes wiped me out. I crashed on the bridge at Jam Rock, actually fell completely off of it because I wasn't in the right gear. I got back up, pushed up the trail a bit and nailed the bridge entry and proceeded to find a good line (finally!) through Jam Rock, then I proceeded to crash in the woods after the go-around to the Airplane Jump. Oh well, I haven't crashed in a while so I guess I was due.
Tracy on the other hand, nailed everything and didn't crash at all. Pretty damn impressive!
Anyway, I went ahead on Wild Thing and after the Triple Step I had to quickly get off my bike and get the camera out to get Tracy riding it. Needless to say the pics aren't that great but I got her cleaning the Triple Step.
Tracy's sequence pics are here. The girl riding after Tracy is Rachel, one of the girls we rode with from the Specialized dealer event.
very impressive! glad you could ride with girls that can hang with you :)
I was actually trying to hang this time!
What is your bike set up for riding Keystone? How much travel are you dealing with?
Have you ridden Sol Vista, like one over the other?
I ride a Zumbi F-44 frame that has over 8" of travel and a Kowa 180mm dual crown fork. I've ridden Sol and I prefer Keystone hands down. Keystone has longer trails, more diverse trails and just more trails period. And after 4 runs at Keystone I'm tired! After 4 runs at Sol I'm just bored.
Thanks for the info.
I know your involved in the Tuesday Night Women's Ride, have you ever thought of organzing a Women's Day @ Keystone for advanced riders? The liability may be an issue however.
I ride a lot of mostly technical trails, it's tough to find other women who like to ride what and how I like to ride but I've never been to the resorts and would like to try it out sometime. I have one bike though currently and it has 5.5" of travel but I can get down and thru a lot of stuff on it, would that be sufficient for Keystone?
Thanks for your time.
I don't know if organizing a group ride at Keystone would be a good idea but we do ride up there and I ride with a couple girls (Tracy & Cynthia from the Tuesday Night Girls ride) that are really good technical riders. We're all actually going to be at Keystone this weekend. I think if you're used to riding a 5" travel bike down steep ledges and thru big rock gardens then I don't see why it would hinder you in anyway. It's all about your handling skills in that case and not relying on your suspension, for me I like having the suspension :)
If you want, give me your email address and I'll let you know when and where we're riding in the future.
Thanks Kim, I think it would be fun.
I've got plans through the next two weekends, but I'm open in Aug. after the 5th. I know Keystone closes down on 9/1.
My email address is info@careyreynoldsart.com. Please keep me posted.
I think I may know one other women that would be interested in checking it out as well.
Thanks Carey,
We'll be at AngelFire 8/8 - 8/11 but hopefully after that we'll be able to hook up for some riding.
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