My demo bike came in yesterday! Unfortunately, they didn't have any HiFi Pro's in a 15 1/2" in stock but I can change out some of the components on the HiFi Deluxe if I'm not happy with them. Hopefully I'll be able to ride it this weekend and make a decision before we head out to Moab next weekend. I'll still bring the 5.5 out there since we'll most likely shuttle Porcupine Rim but for the rest of the trails, the 29er should be perfect.
This weekend, I'm buying a new camera and a bigger camelback and along with the possible new bike...I feel like a princess!
We just booked a condo for the first MSC DH race of the year at Angel Fire, NM, MSC #3. I'm not racing but it's Memorial Day weekend and the event and venue are so much fun. The DH course is pretty killer....hopefully they'll let non-racers ride the course when practice is over but I really doubt it. Either way, it's still an awesome weekend. I don't think Dan's decided if he's racing DH or just racing Super D or just hanging out for the weekend. He raced Super D at Keystone last year and said it's probably the most fun he's had racing on a bike. I think he'd do awesome in Super D since he excels in both XC and DH.
We got snow last night but it only stuck to the grassy areas, the ride home sucked big time. I brought my goggles in and had enough clothes but the snow was wet and the goggles just became useless after a while, wiping the snow away from them just made then streaked with moisture so I had to ride without them and I could barely keep my eyes open. Riding in the snow with nothing over your eyes is probably one of the worst things besides riding into a headwind.
It's supposed to be in the 50's today and 60's all weekend, hopefully the trails will dry out by Saturday so we can play on some dirt and I can demo the 29er....I'm so excited!
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