I got to ride the HiFi on Saturday and really enjoyed it. We couldn't get the suspension dialed in the way I like, I like a really soft setup, but we got it pretty close....although I was only going through half the travel. The bike wasn't as plush as the 5.5 but it still road really well and responded really quick. The 29er climbed great and in a couple sections that I usually have to stand and grind through the rocks, I was able to sit and pedal through them with no problem. I took horrible lines over rocks and I was still able to get through the sections without any issues. On the DH, I let the bike go and it handled the fast rock sections with no problems at all....although it was more rough than my 5.5 the bike was still able to hold it's line and not bounce me around the trail.
I thought I may still want to try the Intense 6.6 and maybe even their new 5.5 29er but then I'd have to get rid of my 5.5 for sure to cover the cost of either Intense. If I got the HiFi, I could keep my 5.5 and ride it on the more "freeride" type trails and ride the HiFi on the more "XC" type trails.....I think that's the way to go.
Dan's going to see what the wait time is going to be on the HiFi Pro's and if it's short I'll order one...if it's a 6 month wait or longer, I'll just get the Deluxe and upgrade the front shifter and put it on a major diet.
Sunday, Dan had to work and decided to ride in so we didn't get an early XC ride in. I'm glad we didn't ride because I have the biggest blisters on my hands from the crappy grips that were on the HiFi and I can't have huge painful blisters on my hand for Moab this weekend. Instead, I ran for about 1hr and 15min, washed both cars, washed the dog and did a bunch of errands. I now have the worst sunburn on my back from spending so much time outside in a tank top without sunscreen.....I am a lobster. Luckily the burn will be gone for this weekend.
Now all we have to do is get through Thursday! We're dropping to dog off at his brother's house Thursday night and then heading out to Moab! Hope the weather through summit isn't too bad, the weather for the weekend looks absolutely perfect....in the mid 70's with no wind!