Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Hour

In an attempt to save some money, instead of going to the bar for Friday Happy Hour we started having HH at home. First happy hour was at Megan's house, after that it was at our house....after everyone got home from their Christmas vacations.

Mom, I made your cosmo recipe...albeit a little more on the strong side than you made it but that's my curse. I can't make a weak drink :(

We're all toasting to you, mom!

Dan got all the pizza's during the day and rushed out and got a set of martini glasses when I realized that we didn't have any! What a great guy :)


**Note...judging from the pictures, it looks like I have DD's...I did not get a boob job! It's just the sweater rising up on me :)

1 comment:

Carey said...

A thrifty way to have fun!