It was a great 4 day weekend for both of us. We didn't have any plans (expect for Thanksgiving dinner) which meant we didn't have to get up early, be anywhere early or do anything we didn't want to do!
It was awesome and relaxing!
We ran some small errands on Friday and then decided to hit up Betasso for a quickie ride. It was a bit chilly and Boulder Creek was starting to ice up but it was a good ride and a good test to see how the Safire could climb up the connector trail. Let me tell you it climbed great! I made it to about 10' to the top of the climb and messed up....I was actually shocked at how far I made it, lost my concentration and spun out on some loose rocks. I was so impressed though!
Dan of course made it all the way up with ease.
After the ride we came home, showered and hung out watching movies and drinking wine the rest of the night! Yay!
On Saturday we slept in, ate a huge breakfast burrito and I cleaned the house. It was kinda yucky out and we were feeling a tab bit lazy so we decided to take the dog for a long walk and then went for an easy hour long run. And that my friends is about all we did...we sat on the couch and watched movies the rest of the was heaven!
On Sunday, the weather was even more yucky than it was on Saturday so I decided to stay inside all day in my pj's watch some more movies and do some online Christmas shopping. I did that for the most part but Dan came home earlier than expected from work with some bad news...needless to say he's looking for a new job :( Oh well, onto bigger and better things! We went for a long walk, came home and made some strong drinks and hung out inside the rest of the day.
Well that totally sucks. How long did this position last? would the old shop take him back?
I'm sorry to hear it, but it usually turns out to be the blessing in disguise when the next opportunity shows up. Tell Dan to hang in there and just keep the resume polished and ready to go. I wish you lots of luck!
He was there 4 months and just the week before his manager pulled him in his office and told him he was doing a great job and meeting all their expectations...weird.
Fortunately, Dan thinks the same way you do Mark and is looking forward to something good to happen to him. He deserves it!
And lucikly we've got a lot of "toys" just sitting around to sell :)
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