6 Things about myself...and since this is Dan's blog as well, I'm going to make him tell 6 things.
1) I once dared a kid in elementary school to crack his head open on the bleachers for 5 pennies. He did it and to this day I can still see the blood dripping out of his head in huge round balls as one of the lunch ladies carried him inside. He never told on me and I never got into trouble for it, I can't believe he did it...I wish I remember what his name was, Scott something.
2) My only claim to biking fame was winning the Lumberjack 100 in Michigan on my singlespeed. Won it in under 9hrs and I beat ALL the geared girls :) I couldn't ride my bike for a month after that...I had really bad back and shoulder issues after that. I got one of the coolest trophies in the world and it sits on my mantle so I can look at it everyday.

(photo credit Tom Lining)
3) I'm the biggest chicken you'll ever know. I get butterflies every time I ride my bike! My palms are sweating right now just thinking about it!
4) I have a 15 year old brother....I'm 38
5) I can't keep peanut butter in the house because I'd eat the whole entire jar in one sitting. I have absolutely no control when it comes to peanut butter.
6) I once beat Dan in a local XC race in Michigan. I was racing in the singlespeed class and at the time there weren't enough girls that raced singlespeed so I had to race with the boys. It was a time trial so we had to do 2 laps on a 9 mile trail/course. On the last lap I knew I was either 2nd or 3rd in a field of like 10-15 guys, I came upon Dan off the side of the trail fixing a broken chain...I just looked at him in shock and said "oh it's on now!" and sprinted all the way to the finish line. I had no idea that he was the leader! People started coming up to me saying that I had won!

Enlightening stuff here!
Now it's Dan's turn....
1) I'm color blind. (not black, white, gray but red and green)
2) I've always wanted to race cars or trucks.
3) When I was 12 I broke my ankle crashing on my BMX bike trying to jump a stack of car tires. The only reason I tried it was because there was a girl there.
4) I am the shyest person you will ever meet! I have no trouble talking to people when I'm at work but when it comes to anyone out on the street I would rather keep walking.
5) I LOVE roller skating! And no not roller blading!
6) I almost lost a few fingers to a snapping turtle in the lake I grew up on but I moved quick and instead of losing some digits I caught the giant turtle and too every one's dismay I killed it and buried it in the yard. Only because it came back after I drove it to another lake a few miles away and because the snapping turtles would eat all swan eggs. After I killed that one turtle there were a lot more baby swans on the lake that year.
We now tag Carey, Paula, Eddie, and Jen.
Just came across your blog--great SS stories! Thanks for sharing and keep on single speedin'!
Ride One or Ride None
I'll do my best but I have to think about it first so it may be a few days...(:
38, eh?
I didn't know you were such an old hag! :P
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