We were able to sleep in a little on Saturday before heading out to do some long overdue errands. Tracy texted me while we were out that her and Jason were going to ride and wanted to know if we were able to go but there was no way we'd be able to make it...bummer:(
We were planning on riding Heil after our errands but by the time we got home, we really didn't feel like driving anywhere for a ride so we decided to go out for a long run. We left from our house, ran up the Sanitas Valley trail to the East Ridge trail that goes to the summit of the Sanitas Trail and ran down the Sanitas trail...awesome technical trail run that took us just under an hour! It's so amazing being able to run technical trails like this right from our doorstep.
After we cleaned up a bit we decided to go out to dinner rather than cooking because we were lazy...we walked down to the Hungry Toad for some steaks and meatloaf.....yummy! I got a call from Jen while we were eating inviting me on a ride they were doing tomorrow at Devil's Backbone, which was perfect because Dan had to work! Yay for friends that invite you on their rides :)
So Sunday morning I got up early to walk the dog and then headed out to meet Jen & Jesper for a day of riding. What an incredible day to be out! The weather was perfect, the riding partners were perfect and all in all it was an absolutely perfect day! Jen & Jesper were on their singlespeeds but I decided in morning that I wanted to be lazy and ride my geared bike....I'm glad I did because my legs were feeling it!
Jen & Jesper were killin' it on their singlespeeds!
We all even cleaned this ledge.
Jen cleaning it (photo credit Jesper)

Me cleaning it (photo credit Jesper)

Check out my cheeks (photo credit Jen)
Thanks guys for an awesome day on the bikes!
More pics here
Awesome day. Thanks Kim!
Thanks again for inviting me!
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