Bryan assured us that this wasn't a "secret" trail ride, that it was on the maps but it sure felt secret, he took us on part of the 2007 Spring Death March ride which included stupidly steep jeep roads and amazingly beautiful singletrack.
I'm so happy to be riding with girls that can ride, Cynthia, Tracy and Emily are such good riders and I'm so happy to have met them. Cynthia is such a powerhouse (she did a 22 mile time trial the day before on her singlespeed and still came out and rode with us today), Emily is the minimalist who can out climb anyone and Tracy is such a riot...I don't think she has fear, she's just so happy and stoked to be out riding, fear just doesn't register with her! It's going to be an awesome summer! And I can't wait to ride with Tracy & Jason out at Keystone....we'll even get Cynthia all dudded out in body armor and show her the ropes of lift assisted riding :)
I'll let the pictures tell the story
Is Cynthia contemplating something or just waving to the camera?
A good day
More pics here
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