Last Friday Dan and I rode Hall after work and we saw Jen & Jesper and Jason & Tracy out there and we thought it would be really fun to all get together for a Friday Night Date Ride, since we were all riding just not riding together.
5 couples showed up @ Hall on Friday for the ride from hell, Dan & myself, Cynthia & Dave, Jen & Jesper, Tracy & Jason and our friends Chuck & Niina.
It had rained all day Thursday but since it was windy and sunny all day Friday we figured Hall would have dried out pretty good. The upper loop was fine but the rock garden wasn't, there were sections of standing water that seemed to be placed right before all the sections that gave us girls problems in the past. Needless to say, none of us rode with the grace or power that we usually do and most of us ended up on the ground sometime or another.
Not too many pics, I was having too much fun just hanging out and trying not to hurt myself.
Tracy gets the award for the most tenacious rider ever :) The girl will try and try and try and try and try and try and try and try until she gets it. It's inspiring :)
Cynthia get the sheer power award since she blew her tire completely off her rim by just pedaling :)
Here's my knee after sliding off the rock face
Here's Dave powering up a section. See the guy in the green jersey in the background? He made a total ass out of himself with all of us to witness. He tried to make it up that section again and his bike had issues shifting and he actually threw his bike off the trail while he was yelling and swearing at the top of his lungs! Dan was standing right next to him and luckily didn't get a bike in the face and the rest of us were all standing at the bottom of the section starring in horror.
We all headed over to Oskar Blues for some beer, food and awesome conversation.
Jesper's got some pics posted on his site.
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