Oh well, we did however have an amazing 3 days of riding...only 3 days because I busted my knee open on Sunday riding Amasa Back on a section called Rockstacker, I think. No rocks were stacked like the last time I rode it but there was a nice steep roller in the middle that didn't seem too bad. Dan rolled it and nailed it and I followed but apparently where I rolled, it wasn't a good spot and I endowed and smashed my knee into a rock. I've got about a dime size hole in my knee and it's so swollen that I can barely get my left leg into my pants :( Doesn't hurt much but I definitely can't run or ride until the swelling goes down. Oh well, we had an amazing weekend otherwise!
Friday we rolled into town around 1pm, too early to check in so we decided to head out to Sovereign to test out the EX8. Let me just say, angels sang while I was riding this bike! I cleaned ledges and switchbacks and everything I couldn't imagine I could ride....I can now ride! I think Dan got a little sick of me saying "no freakin' way" towards the end :) We ended the evening with a soak in the hot tub and some roasted chicken from City Market.
Saturday was the Porcupine Rim ride and we got news that the Hazard gates were open from our friend Chuck who was on his way out to meet us, but we couldn't really confirm that until the next day. When the shuttle van arrived, the driver confirmed that yes the gates were open and we're going all they way baby! Woot! All I got to say in Porcupine is such a blast and with only a few mechanicals (non being flats....if you can imagine that) the EX8 handled everything amazingly and it's so easy to get the front end up for drops and wheelie drops that my confidence was on fire and I was flying so high at the end of our ride. Finished the ride up with a soak in the hot tub, some mexican food, tequila shots and a huge chocolate malt that put some of us into food coma and rendered it a pretty early night.
Somewhere on Porky

Dan contemplating the Notch...his 8" rotors were "too good" and didn't give him any play so he wasn't comfortable riding it. Imagine that, brakes that are too good :) And it you've ever seen The Notch, you know that it's way steeper and sand covered than this picture shows!

Taking another break on Porky

Dan and Chuck playin'


Sunday...well, Sunday didn't turn out as I had planned. I felt good on the ride up from town but as soon as we got onto the trail, I realized that I was tired, lazy and not really all together there. I pushed through the falls and blood and we eventually got a nice ride in and I eventually got some mojo back on the descent but I was ready to be done by the time we hit Kane Creek Rd. This is after we helped some 4 wheeler out of the ravine when he didn't make it up the ledges at the beginning of Amasa back!
Monday, we just packed up and hit The Black Bear in Grand Junction for some yummy food before heading back to Boulder.....thank god for The Black Bear!
mmmmmmm The Black Bear! Best post full weekend of riding food EVER!!! Huge breakfast served anytime and the home of the Grizz :)

Cynthia has some pics here and a good write up of her adventures in Fruita and Moab with us.
Next time, I really need to remember the camera!!!! What's the purpose of a good bloody knee when you can't show it off :)
Sounds like a great time, I can visualize the fun as the Hazard, UPS, LPS, Porci ride is one of my favorite rides anywhere and what a blast to have a bike that gave you your confidence.
Couldn't you take a picture with a phone or something to show us the banged up knee?!?!? Seriously, I'm glad you are OK and that you had fun!
I do have a pic of my knee on my phone but I don't have a way to download it :( I'll show it to you the next time I see you.
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