Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This weekend was a lazy slow recuperation weekend for me and as luck would have it Dan had the weekend off and I couldn't really ride :(

Saturday we woke up after having an amazingly peaceful and long sleep, a little lazy. We decided to check out Carey's art show at the 29th street mall and run some errands on the fixie's. We took the long way around town and got in a good slow meandering ride, after that I didn't want to push my knee anymore so we just took the dog for a long lazy walk and enjoyed the rest of the day doing things around the house.

Sunday, Dan's ride plans fell through so we decided to test the knee out with a run and to my surprise after a few feet of feeling a little weird the knee loosened up and felt pretty darn good! We got home and walked down to the Boulder Crit and watched the roadies race in a circle for a few before heading back home to take pictures of stuff that we need to sell. After that, we tried to decide whether to be lazy the rest of the day or test my knee out on some singletrack.

We thought we were going to settle in to another lazy afternoon on the couch when we found out that the Red Wings were playing but we quickly found ourselves getting a little stir crazy after the first period...it was such a nice day out and I felt like we were wasting it. So I got on the bike and tooled around the yard just to see how the knee would feel and decided to get off our butts and do an easy ride @ Heil. All went well with the knee only feeling a little tender when I had to stand up and power move up rocks but nothing I couldn't push through and the pain never lasted long.

We've now gotten back into our normal routine of running in the morning and I've been riding @ lunch again.....now I'm just waiting for the new bikey to arrive and a long weekend to get to know my new two-wheeled partner :)


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