Monday, March 3, 2008

74 on Saturday....snow on Sunday

It was 74 degree's on Saturday...needless to say we didn't do much except ride. We decided to stay away from the trails that were dry on the front range fearing the masses of people that would be there. Instead, we hopped on our CX bikes and connected open space trails and roads together to put in a 3hr ride! It was absolutely amazing....I even had tan lines to prove it. We barbecued and had the windows open until about 10pm, it felt like we were on vacation.

Sunday morning we woke up to about 3" of snow on the ground, wind and almost white out conditions in places. Sucks but I guess that's March in Colorado.

At least daylight savings time kicks in next Sunday so the evening rides will start again.

I'm taking a break from commuting in and will do more lunch rides and running. I'm going to mix up my routes and not ride with a pack on my back (yeah!) and reconnect with my love for riding.

Think spring!


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