Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Slow week

Dan jinxed himself over the weekend...he made the comment that he hasn't been sick in over a year and guess what....he's home sick. HA! Probably got it while hanging out with me in the hospital on Friday. Good timing since the shop he works at is remodeling the store and there isn't too much to do. The Boulder store is turning into a fancy Trek concept store.

I hate emergency rooms, it's interesting listening to all the people but I got stuck next to a crazy homeless women who couldn't talk. All she did was make strange inhuman sounding outbursts and cry. She smelled really really bad also. I was also next to some girl who I think impaled her face on something skiing and needed surgery later that evening. She was talking and not bloody but I didn't get a real good look, can't be rude and gawk at the people as you're being wheeled by in your bed. Another guy had a broken foot and it's been broken since Thanksgiving....he complained to the nurse that he had to work and couldn't be off his foot and that he just needed drugs for the pain. She told him that she can't give him any drugs but could give him a prescription but he said he couldn't afford it right now. He asked again if she could hook him up and she just said sorry, we aren't drug dealers :) I thought that was pretty funny! She also told him that his bones would not heal together if he didn't stay off his feet....that prompted a big argument for about a half an hour until they decided to just give up and discharge him.

Hopefully next week the shoulder will be good enough to start riding in again. It's been too sensitive to wear my backpack. Dan converted the SS commuter into a geared bike so I can ride that while the CX is out of commission. I didn't want to struggle with shoulder pain on the SS so just decided to put gears on it. Luckily I can run without too much pain, which I've been doing all week at lunch. The only things that hurt doing really bad, like puke hurt lacing up my shoes and putting my sports bra on.


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