I got hit again yesterday afternoon. Dan met me at work and we were going on a short luch ride (I was going to the post office and bank and he was just tagging along). We had just rode away from the post office that's right down the street from where I work and were on our way to the bike path off of Foothills and Walnut when a car coming out of a parking lot nailed me, I actually nailed him. Dan and I saw the car cruising out of the parking lot and I recall Dan saying "that dude's not gonna stop". There was nothing I could do....I tried to stop but couldn't in time and I ended up colliding with the car, my helmut hit the driver's side A pillar, my rear tire came up off the ground and it felt like I was going to go up and over the car but luckily I didn't, just came smashing down on my right shoulder. Luckily he didn't hit me head on or things would have been a lot worse! I remember the feeling and I remember the sound but I didn't feel anything....just like before. It was all pretty surreal and it all seemed to play out in slow motion.
All the guy could say was "OMG, I'm so sorry". Dan came rushing over and asked if I was okay, he told me I hit the car really hard. I sat on the ground for a couple seconds and all I could say to the driver was "you can't f'ing look both ways you idiot". I got up, picked my bike up, the left brake level was turned in and my front tire was completly locked up. I had some severe shoulder pain but there wasn't a lump so it wasn't dislocated (thank god!). We sat there for several minutes with the guy apologizing and telling us if we need anything he'll pay for it, Dan said the bike is f&*cked and I told him that we'd better call the cops, so the guy called the cops. No more than a minute later we hear sirens. The cops showed up first, then the fire truck then the ambulance. I was mortified! People were gathering and some passerby's that work in my building stopped and asked if I was okay. After being checked out by the firemen, then by the ambulance guys....they all talked me into taking a ride with them to the hospital just to get checked out. Dan stayed back to make sure everything was taken care of with the police and got my bike to work to stash for the rest of the day.
Luckily, nothing is broken. Just stiff and sore, I have movement but it hurts really bad. My helmut is okay and none of my clothes got torn. The bike took most of the hit. Apparently the guy who hit me was acutally the business owner, he hit me right outside his shop (bet he got razzed pretty bad by his employee's). The cops told Dan that he's a good guy and has a reputable car repairshop and a lot of the officers bring their cars to him to fix....the cop actually knew the guy. Unfortunately the shop owner was driving one of his customer's cars....I would have loved to hear the phone conversation between him and the car owner! Luckily, the guy got a ticket for failure to yield, so I can at least prove that we was cited and was a fault. He was able to get the vehicle's insurance and he also provided the cop with his business insurance. Hopefully everything will go smoothly......
Dan's going to go through the bike over the weekend and we'll come up with a list of what's wrong.
Luckily, the guy who hit me was more than cooperative and I knew he felt awful, I actually saw him shaking. Hopefully he'll be a little more careful coming out of his parking lot and hopefully everyone that saw what happened and the aftermath of what happened will be a little more careful as well.
I'm lucky nothing serious happened to me....don't know how many more times I can get hit before I get seriously hurt....not going to think about that. I'm also lucky that Dan was there and I had a witness and he was able to take care off all the police stuff and made sure everything was in order before he left.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to ride the CX bike for a little while. We want to make sure the insurance company has all the details before we actually fix it. Don't know if I'll be able to ride the ss in since my shoulder is so wrenched....but we'll see.