Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Winter Park

We headed out to WP for some playtime with Jen & Jesper (who are ripping it up their first season on DH bikes), Carey & Craig (who rip it up everytime) and Josh (tri guy's very first time on a DH bike who kicked butt and had way too much fun).

Dan on ballucanb drop to gap.

Dan on ballucanb step up

Josh on Boot Camp wall ride

Only 2 weeks left here and hopefully we'll get back to WP at least once more before we leave. Dan's last day of work is Friday and he's going to start packing up the trailer....I'm hoping to get out a week early as well so we can get everything loaded, our place cleaned and our butts back to Michigan for some epic fall riding!


1 comment:

Carey said...

So much fun, thanks again..
I don't think I'll ever be able to ride at a park without thinking of yu two..good stuff.