I wore a tank top twice this weekend!! Pretty soon it'll be flip flop and tank top weather and we'll be able to sleep with the windows open again :)
This weekend was kinda a bust, I woke up Saturday feeling kinda icky and as the day progressed it got worse. I had planned on going on a long run but my body and legs just weren't into it, I felt dizzy and light headed my entire run and I could barely feel my legs running below me.
Oh well, the rest of the weekend was spent pretty much on the couch :( BORING!!!! Thank goodness for free really cheesy ONDemand movies.
I stayed home from work on Monday because I still felt icky, took the dogs for a walk and had to stay on the couch for like 4 hours after that. Dan suggested we go on a light spin around 2pm just to get me outside because it was so nice....short light spin turned into a 2 1/2 hr ride out to Marshall and back. But after that whatever was making me feel icky was gone as fast as it came! Woot!
A little bike ride cured my cold :)